Wednesday 2 February 2011


Shops and places to go and eat can be a pain in the arse sometimes. On the most part I'm fine with them as are many people. However things can happen there that really wind me up, all of them completely trivial and not worth getting wound up about. But this is me we're talking about so I'll get stuck in with the ranting. Not much of a unifying theme or concept in this blog today, just an excuse to moan about individual shop related bugbears.

I was in Kentucky Fried Chicken today having some lunch. As usual, I walked past it on my way to Baguette Express and thought I'd rather treat myself to something more substantial. Usually by the time I've finished my KFC I feel slightly queasy and ask myself for the zillionth time why I bother eating there. Kentucky Fried Dog as my friend calls it, and he's probably not wrong. Well, the thing that annoys me whenever I go to KFC is the barbecue sauce, or usually the lack thereof. Why is it that I occasionally get it, yet a lot of other times I don't. Is it an extra that I should consider myself lucky to get, or is it something I should always be getting but rarely do? If there was any consistency I would know. I'm not asked, for instance, if I'd like some barbecue sauce, I just occasionally get it. It has nothing to do with ordering a large meal as opposed to a medium, because I did that last time and got absolutely no barbecue sauce. Next time I am definitely asking them what the deal is with the barbecue sauce. Ketchup is perfectly nice and all, but barbecue sauce polishes up an otherwise mediocre dining experience.

You are no doubt sick of the words barbecue sauce, so I promise I won't mention barbecue sauce again. What I will talk about now is closing times. I mentioned Baguette Express earlier. The ones in Edinburgh are a good 20p more expensive than my old local one in St Andrews. My other friend calls it the Edinburgh Tax, and he's definitely not wrong there. Anyhow, I could still reasonably expect the place to be open around about half 5, which was really quite good. However, at some point recently an executive decision was made not to do that anymore, and the other day I appeared just before 5 only to be told it was closed. I thought to myself, "Ok, maybe I made a mistake, and that it only stays open later on certain days." The next logical step then would be to look at the opening and closing times on the window, which I duly did. Lo and behold, they'd scratched off all the closing times, and neglected to stick on some new ones. How am I supposed to know when I can still come to Baguette Express if there are no opening times? I guess I'll have to personally ask a staff member, and no doubt appear like I care too much about it. What I won't do is ask that girl that's always there now, the one who clearly hates me and never hears anything I say to her.

The problem with the Baguette Express was that the opening times weren't clear, but to those in the know they were probably set in stone. However with my local Scotmid (read Co-op), I'm positive it shuts at midnight. Now supposing you were in my position and you wanted some toast around about 11.40pm but sadly you had no bread left. With the shop less than 5 minutes around the corner, you'd easily be able to get some bread in time. So, I imagine you've predicted the end of this story, and it goes something along the lines of me getting there by quarter to 12 and finding it all in shutters. Aye exactly. That is the single most irritating thing they can do. They close at 12, not quarter to. If it had been 5 to then I'd accept that, in fact I wouldn't even have attempted it. I really wish they couldn't get away with saying, "Oh there probably won't be another customer between now and then, let's close early." Now, I know in real terms I should have given myself half an hour at least to buy the bread, but the point is I shouldn't have to give myself that long.

I hate that shop anyway. About a third of the staff seem pleasant enough, but the rest appear so miserable. This appears to be case with not just the other two places I've mentioned in this blog, but pretty close to everywhere now. I know these jobs are shit and I should walk a mile in their shoes, but I've done shop work before and even when I feel crap I still put on a professional veneer. However instead of even pretending they enjoy their life, they'd rather soak themselves in their own bitterness and frustration until it becomes the very essence of their being. And of course the customer has to put up with it.

Maybe that last point was inordinately harsh, but I still want to make it. Maybe this whole post was ridiculous but if I can't have a whinge here, where can I? Since it's mostly friends reading this, you know it's pretty much everywhere else.


  1. Baguette Express is a lunch thing anyway, come 5pm I'd rather get myself something more substantial. I think the one in Cupar closes mid afternoon anyway - I've never tried to go in that late so it doesn't bother me.

    As for being a moody cunt behind the till, it's part of the fun and you can't deny me of that.

  2. Aye I'm kind of operating on a distorted schedule where everything's several hours later than it should be, including lunch. I need to sort myself out in that regard.

    And aye I don't deny you that. You normally get moody with customers for a good reason, whereas I normally come into the co-op with little fuss and still I get a look of utter despair from them.

  3. Also I hope I didn't come across too serious, I just needed something to fill a blog with, so I picked the smallest fights I could pick.

  4. Dude I would of banged at those shutters until I had had my vengenge on the staff who closed 15 fucking minutes early, 5 I could maybe overlook but 15 is ridiculous.
