Tuesday 28 December 2010

Post of Genesis

In the beginning, I created a new blog. And the blog was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep ....and then I got bored of this routine very quickly.

Yes, so this is my new blog. I had no idea how to start it off; "hi I'm Andy and this is my supercool new blog", seemed uncharacteristic of me, and in fact a shite way of starting it off anyway. Not that calling it the Post of Genesis was particularly good either. I mean you could see what I was after, an epic intro which conveyed the beginning of something unbelievable. You're now thinking it's an epic fail of an intro which conveyed the beginning of something unbelievably shite. Anyway I am making this worse so I'll move swiftly on.

This is not the first blog I've started. I made one about a year ago and only did an intro post before losing interest. Unfortunately that intro was of a higher calibre than this one, so I'm already off to a troubled start. I'm going to use this space to write about anything I feel like, hopefully at least once a week. I'll try my best at making it a witty and humourous commentary on modern life, only I'm deficient in those two particular virtues so you're likely going to get waffle instead.

Anyhow I'm tired and can't be bothered writing more intro stuff. I promise the first real post about something will be an improvement on this; it was only written to get the blog started, nothing more.

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