Saturday 4 February 2012

A fresh lick of paint

As you will have immediately noticed, I've abandoned the dated blog format I stuck by for ages in favour of this new slick appearance. I actually like it a lot, partly because the various colours in my old look have been replaced by just grey, which is considerably more appropriate for this blog, given the title. The font for the title is cool I think, and the background, while not of my own doing, is interesting to look at. More so than the text actually. I may not be done with it yet, as I'm keen to experiment with things a little, but this is the general idea of what I want my blog to look like hereafter. The sad thing is that neither you nor I will ever see the old format again. I kept it well after it was dumped by Blogger, so there's no going back now. Still, the new look's better and I've caught up with everyone else like I should have done ages ago. Unlike with my mobile phone, which doesn't do apps and other shite, therefore it sucks according to most people.

It's good to change the look of something after a while. It renews interest in the thing in question. Personal appearances are one such thing that often benefit from an overhaul. Take me for instance. I grew my hair out for about twenty months and then kept it long like that for a further four. I grew really attached to it, but it wasn't long before I started to view it as territory rather than a good hairstyle. The bad hair days outnumbered the good ones, and the hair spent more and more time tucked behind my ears so I could see. Eventually I decided to cut it off because it had grown old for me. It wasn't reflecting my personality anymore, so it had to go. It turned out that too much of it went in the end, but my hair quickly recovered. Thus began another short haired period, and people responded to the new look positively. I also got a few new clothes around this time and redefined my self image a little. These days, I'm risking treading old ground again with my mediumish, mullety compromise of a hairstyle which may be gone quite soon if it doesn't improve.

I enjoy reminiscing about all the daft things I used to wear when I was younger, each one being an attempt redefine myself. At one point I was into German army shirts. It was not actually a bad look, but I can't see myself wearing them now. They helped give off a slightly alternative, rock and roll vibe to an otherwise slouchy, spotty and terribly awkward 15 year old. Then there was the time I tried to be a goth. Remember that anyone? No, you wouldn't because the look never even got passed the mirror before I realised how stupid I looked. When I was 13 I had a fondness for a baseball hat I owned, and I was rarely without it for a long while. It looked funny due to my hair creeping out from underneath it in a unflattering way. When the hat and the hair went, I tried experimenting with gel for a bit, but it didn't work especially well, like pretty much most things I've described thus far. Finally, special mention has to go to the time when I tried going blonde aged 16. That was met with both mockery and confusion, and lasted two weeks before getting dyed back.

So there you go, new looks are fun. They get rid of old and worn out looks long in need of replacement. As I've shown, subsequent looks aren't always good either, but sooner or later they get changed too, to something much better hopefully. In this case, I'm happy with the blog looking like this for a good while. Next time, I'll hopefully write about something interesting. In a moany, cynical fashion as per.